Does the measurement problem defy objective reality?

measurement problem

“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.” – Lord Kelvin Those were the good old times. Newton single-handedly took care of mechanics and discovered gravity. After that, James Clerk Maxwell gave a thorough description of the second fundamental force called, ‘Electromagnetism’. Everything we … Read more

Quantum Electrodynamics : A marriage between elegance and precision


Once upon a time, scientists used to be in a dilemma about the nature of light. It started with a debate whether light is a matter or a wave and now we have the most precise theory which mankind has ever produced. An essential marriage between quantum mechanics and classical electromagnetism to create a theory … Read more

What a theory of everything really means?

Have you ever wondered at the starry night sky and were left amazed by its vastness? Have you thought about how small you are as compared to the Milky Way, let alone the Universe? Have you ever thought about the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the Universe? And, have you ever thought about what is … Read more