Chapter 5 – The Laws of Motion

“It’s been quite a break isn’t it ?” asked the old man. “It does seem to be like it. To be honest, the break between your lessons seems to be around a month.” I answered. “Then without further ado, let’s continue!” “Newton’s laws, here I come!” “Where did we leave last time?” “Quantum Mechanics!!!” “I’m … Read more

Gravity – The mysterious fundamental force


Introduction For many years, we have heard of the force, ‘gravity’. In fact, it is the oldest known fundamental force out of the four (others being Electromagnetic force, Strong nuclear force and Weak nuclear force). Despite that, there are still some mysteries regarding gravity in the world of physics. It can be undoubtedly said that … Read more

Chandrasekhar-the Indian discoverer of black hole

INTRODUCTION Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was an Indian-American astrophysicist, born on 19th October, 1910, who won the Nobel Prize in 1983 along with William A. Fowler for his theoretical ventures to the importance of physical processes regarding the structure and evolution of stars. He was also the nephew of another Nobel Prize winning Indian physicist, C. V. … Read more